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National Arts and Crafts of Uzbekistan

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Bukhara's Gold Embroidery Bukhara's Gold Embroidery Samarkand came into history of world culture as a capital of Amir Temur’s empire. The city was surviving difficulties after disintegration of the empire, but could keep a status of the largest center of culture and art crafts. The original Samarkand embroidery excites especial interest. Despite the close neighbourhood of the large centers of embroidery – Bukhara, Nurata and Shahrisabz, which gravitate to general Bukhara school, the Samarkand school has preserved own style, captivating by monumental solutions, laconic colour and dynamic forms.

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Wood-Carving in the Art of the People's Master Abdugani Abdullaev Wood-Carving in the Art of the People's Master Abdugani Abdullaev Traditions of art crafts in Uzbekistan are constantly developing, and their progress reflects changes that take place in the society. And the art of wood-carving is no exception. Today this kind of art is filled with new content. Great experts work in this domain of art, preserving the experience of the past and bringing innovations into their work. Among these recognized masters is usto Abdugani Abdullaev, the representative of the Kokand school of wood-carving, whose works are known both in the country and abroad. He has mastered to perfection many different wood-carving techniques, including a very complexone of three-dimensional architectural compositions called mukarnaskori that is used to decorate columns and cornices, as well as the technique of deep carving with multi-plane relief.

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The embroidery of Shahrisabz The embroidery of Shahrisabz By the end of the 19th century, a number of local schools of embroidery had developed in Uzbekistan. On the one hand, they had much in common as regards the nature of their compositions and ornamental decor; on the other, they differed because of their own, unique features and the variety of ways in which decorative motifs and colouring were handled. The embroidery of Shahrisabz (Kashkadarya Region), one of the oldest towns in Central Asia, is of particular interest. It was given its name, which means “green town” “thanks to the abundance of greenery and eye-dazzling flowers” (1, p.20). Shahrisabz was the property of the Barlas clan, to which Amir Timur belonged.

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Symbolical Symbolical Today we have to discover again that in the past the ornament had not only a decorative function, but served as the universal graphic “language”, which differed from the script and was accessible to the wide circles of the population. Separate signs formed the elements of this “language”, symbolically expressing basic properties of micro and macro cosmos. Compositions of signs formed symbolical “text”, which “perusal” enlights knowledge of ancient culture, frequently being beyond the other scientific methods.

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From history of Bukhara’s glass and ceramics From history of Bukhara’s glass and ceramics In the medieval period, glass manufacture had rather complicated technology and developed mainly in cities. Archeological materials excavated on the territory of Bukhara contain significant sets of glass artifacts. From ancient times, our forefathers knew secrets of glass production and transferred them through generations. First evidences for glass production in Central Asia were found in the Chinese chronicle “Beishu” which informs that in 424 high – skilled glass – blowers coming from the domain of Yuichi-chi by means of rock mass melting manufactured colored glass that by properties overcame all things exported from “the west countries”.

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Hydro Architecture of the Bukhara Oasis Hydro Architecture of the Bukhara Oasis The water was of important significance in conditions of a hot and droughty climate of Central Asia. From ancient times, in this region was practicing the irrigation farming with the irrigation system well developed.

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Bukhara’s costume of the 16th – 17th centuries in miniatures of Movarounnahr Bukhara’s costume of the 16th – 17th centuries in miniatures of Movarounnahr The oriental miniature is a unique source for the study of history of the ancient costume. The miniature gives not just models of the costume, which had lost because of its temporality but, moreover, allows defining of aesthetic taste of the people, their local originality and behavior.

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Tours in Uzbekistan


WADU 01. Adventures in Uzbekistan WADU 01. Adventures in Uzbekistan
Incentive tours to Uzbekistan Incentive tours to Uzbekistan
WCUZ 01. Classic Uzbekistan WCUZ 01. Classic Uzbekistan
Price: 680 USD
Country Hotels Uzbekistan Country Hotels Uzbekistan
WCUZ 03. Uzbekistan - Oriental Fairy Tale WCUZ 03. Uzbekistan - Oriental Fairy Tale
Price: 630 USD
WCUZ 02. All Uzbekistan WCUZ 02. All Uzbekistan
Price: 1700 USD
WCUT 01. From Kyzylkum Desert up to Tien-Shan Mountains WCUT 01. From Kyzylkum Desert up to Tien-Shan Mountains
WCUT 02. To UNESCO World Heritage in Central Asia WCUT 02. To UNESCO World Heritage in Central Asia
WCUT 03. Along Alexander the Great's Road WCUT 03. Along Alexander the Great's Road
WUTK 01. Pamir – The Roof of the World WUTK 01. Pamir – The Roof of the World
WEFU 01. Mountain flowers in Uzbekistan WEFU 01. Mountain flowers in Uzbekistan
WCRU 01. On Baktrian camel through Kyzyl-Kum desert WCRU 01. On Baktrian camel through Kyzyl-Kum desert
WHKU 02. To the source of Paltau-say WHKU 02. To the source of Paltau-say
Price: 70 USD
WJUZ 01. On Jeeps to Aral Sea through Kizil-kums WJUZ 01. On Jeeps to Aral Sea through Kizil-kums
Tour to Fergana Valley Tour to Fergana Valley
Fergana valley - Garden of Uzbekistan Fergana valley - Garden of Uzbekistan
Ski touring & freeride program in Uzbekistan Ski touring & freeride program in Uzbekistan
Price: 550 USD
Uzbekistan Hotels in Tashkent Samarkand Bukhara Khiva Uzbekistan Hotels in Tashkent Samarkand Bukhara Khiva
Bukhara Hotels Bukhara Hotels
Samarkand Hotels Samarkand Hotels
Khiva Hotels Khiva Hotels
Tashkent Hotels Tashkent Hotels

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