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Samarkand sights

The museum of formation of Samarkand on Afrosiab. The museum of formation of Samarkand on Afrosiab. The museum is located on the site of ancient settlement called Afrosiab. The archeological excavation, beared outstanding results, was started here in 1894. The revelations of Afrosiab narrate about the history and culture of Sogdiana, an ancient Persian province, 6-8 centuries. The wall-paintings from the palace of local governors come first among those revelations.

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Registan Registan The Registan was the heart of the ancient Samarkand. The name means "Sandy place". The ensemble of three madrasahs is a unique example of town-planning art a remarkable pattern of the architectural design of the main town square.

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Gur Emir Gur Emir The Gur-e Amir (also Gur Emir) is the mausoleum of the Asian conqueror Tamerlane (also known as Timur) in Samarkand (now in Uzbekistan). It occupies an important place in the history of Islamic Architecture as the precursor and model for the great Mughal tombs of Humayun in Delhi and the Taj Mahal in Agra, built by Timur's descendants, the ruling dynasty of North India.

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The Shakh-I-Zinda Ensemble The Shakh-I-Zinda Ensemble It is situated in the northeastern part of Samarkand. The name Shakh-I-Zinda - "The living king" is connected with the legend that Kusam ibn Abbas, the cousin of the prophet Muhammad was buried there. As if he came to Samarkand with the Arabian invasion in the 7th century to preach Islam. Popular legends speak that he was beheaded for his faith. But he took his head and went into the deep well (Garden of Paradise), where he's still living now.

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Bibi-Khonym Mosque Bibi-Khonym Mosque After his Indian campaign, Tamerlane in 1399 decided to undertake the construction of a gigantic cathedral mosque in his new capital, Samarkand. To this day the mosque known as the Bibi-Khanym still overawes in its size and magnificence.

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Khazrat-Khizr Mosque Khazrat-Khizr Mosque Khazrat-Khizr Mosque is one of the most ancient edifices of Samarkand, which was destroyed by Genghis Khan's hordes. It was rebuilt in 19 century. A beautiful Mosque stands on the elevation at the entrance of town from where a picturesque outlooks to Bibi-Khonym Mosque, the big bazaar and the mountains in the South appear.

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The Mausoleum of Khodja  Doniyor (Prophet Daniel) The Mausoleum of Khodja Doniyor (Prophet Daniel) The prophet Daniel is respected by three religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The mausoleum itself was built in 1900. But before mausoleum was built, there was the grave and the mosque built in Tamerlane's time. The mausoleum is said to contain the arm of Prophet Daniel. As if this relic was brought to Samarkand by Tamerlane the Great from Mecca. The length of the tomb is about 18 meters. It is far larger than is necessary for a simple arm bone. This phenomena is explained by two ways. One version states that the arm bone miraculously grows larger with each passing year. Another story narrates that the prophet simply was a giant and the tomb's length points out to his true stature.

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The observatory and memorial museum of Ulugbek. The observatory and memorial museum of Ulugbek. Two kilometers northeast of center of Samarkand stands the museum and what had remained of the former observatory. The subterranean part of the sextant is preserved. Ulugbek was the grandson of Tamerlane the Great. He was the scientist, the intellectual and the patron of arts. His scientific and astronomical discoveries greatly advanced knowledge in these fields. Therefore obscurants held grudge against Ulugbek and finally they killed him even though he was the ruler. Then they have destroyed the observatory. When in 1941 all the graves in Gur-Emir mausoleum have been opened the historical information about the assassination of Ulugbek was confirmed.

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Khodja Zuemurod Mosque Khodja Zuemurod Mosque The functioning Mosque to the North from Registan square.

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Kok Mosque Kok Mosque Old functioning Mosque to the North from Registan square.

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The ancient trading dome Chorsu The ancient trading dome Chorsu Straight behind Sher-Dor the ancient trading dome Chorsu is situated. Now it is well restored.

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Mausoleum of Bibi-Khonym Mausoleum of Bibi-Khonym It is said that Saray mulk Khanym managed the construction of another building opposite the Bibi-Khanym, which by tradition is identified as the Mausoleum of Bibi-Khanym.

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The Mausoleum  of Abu Mansur Matridiy The Mausoleum of Abu Mansur Matridiy The mausoleum stands to the East from Registan.

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Ruhabad Mausoleum (14th c.) Ruhabad Mausoleum (14th c.) This small Mausoleum is said to contain a hair of Prophet Muhammad.

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Aksaray Mausoleum Aksaray Mausoleum The mausoleum Aksaray (15th c.), unrestored, located on the quiet street behind Gur-Emir. For the time being is not very attractive.

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Khodja-Nisbatdor Mosque Khodja-Nisbatdor Mosque The functioning Mosque of the 19th century to the South from Registan square.

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The mausoleum of Khodja Abdu Darun 12-15th c. The mausoleum of Khodja Abdu Darun 12-15th c. A delicate ensemble and pilgrim site with minaret, houze and aywan, built at the tomb of the Arabic lawyer of the 9th century Abdu-Al Mazeddin, who was a relative of Khalif Osman, also known as Khodja Abdu Darun. The ensemble is located in cemetery in southeastern part of Samarkand. It is said a portal of the mausoleum was decorated with tigers but much earlier than Sher-Dor of Registan.

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Ishrat-Khana (Ishratkhona) - 1464. Ishrat-Khana (Ishratkhona) - 1464. Opinions differ as to the purpose the building served in its time. Some consider it was a burial-place for the women of the royal blood. Unrestored, the ruins are still inspiring in harmonious planning details. One of the first examples of cupola ceiling. The building is located in southeastern part of the city.

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Namazgokh Mosque Namazgokh Mosque Formerly the out-of-town mosque it was a place for Muslim worship (namaz). Commonly, namazgokhs had pools (locally called hauz) and were surrounded by shady trees. Twice a year on religious high days there were gathering many Muslim believers from all places around.

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The Segment of Territory of Former Palace Of Timur Kok Saray. The Segment of Territory of Former Palace Of Timur Kok Saray. The Segment of Territory of Former Palace Of Timur Kok Saray.

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Samarkand Hotels Samarkand Hotels Samarkand hotels. Hotels in Samarkand. Information. Booking

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Tours in Uzbekistan


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